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  • 劉 樺


    1961年 出生於 中國北京,中國內地男演員。


    Born in 1961 in Beijing, China, he is a male actor from Mainland China. 


    殿. 堂. 級. 喜. 劇. 泰. 斗.

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    1984年参加电视剧《多棱镜》拍摄工作,是第一次接觸戲劇……之後~1994年劉樺首次參演電視劇《三國演義》,在劇中飾演許貢門客之一 。2006年在寧浩執導的黑色喜劇電影《瘋狂的石頭》中飾演道哥,為全國觀眾所熟悉。2008年領銜主演古裝喜劇電影《十全九美》。2014年參演懸疑商戰電影《最佳嫌疑人》 。2015年參演賀歲電影《老炮兒》。2016年參加北京衛視跨界喜劇競技秀《跨界喜劇王》 。2017年參加喜劇綜藝節目《笑星闖地球》 。2019年出演古裝劇《慶餘年》 。2021年特別出演的懸疑劇《誰是兇手》播出。2023年參演的黑色喜劇電影《二手傑作》上映 。2024年參演的電影《戲殺》上映 ….等數十部電影。


    In 1984, he participated in the filming of the TV series "Prism," marking his first encounter with drama. Subsequently, in 1994, Liu Hua made his debut in the television drama "Romance of the Three Kingdoms," playing one of Xu Gong's guests. He became widely known to national audiences in 2006 for his role as Dao Ge in Ning Hao's dark comedy film "Crazy Stone." In 2008, he starred in the costume comedy film "Perfect Ten." In 2014, he appeared in the suspenseful business movie "The Prime Suspect." In 2015, he took part in the New Year film "Mr. Six." In 2016, he participated in Beijing TV's cross-genre comedy competition show "Comedy King." In 2017, he joined the comedy variety program "Comedians Hit the Earth." In 2019, he appeared in the costume drama "Joy of Life." In 2021, his special performance in the mystery drama "Who is the Murderer" was broadcasted. In 2023, the black comedy film "Second Hand Masterpiece" in which he participated was released. In 2024, the film "Play Kill" in which he acted was released... among dozens of other films.

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    劉樺 老師因為在電影《瘋狂的石頭》中扮演有情有義的黑老大「道哥」,為全國觀眾所熟悉,「道哥」也成了他的代號。觀眾也通過《瘋狂的石頭》中「道哥」這一角色見證了劉樺的喜劇功力。


    Teacher Liu Hua became well-known to audiences nationwide for his portrayal of the loyal and righteous gang leader "Dao Ge" in the movie "Crazy Stone". The character "Dao Ge" has become his nickname, and through this role in "Crazy Stone", audiences have witnessed Liu Hua's comedic talent.

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    《《 戲 殺 》》


    在當今全球電影與時尚的交錯風潮中,一次獨特的合作引起了業界的廣泛關注—國際知名的時尚視覺藝術家 高丰 老師與中國大陸殿堂級演員 劉樺 老師,攜手合作於最近上映的院線電影《戲殺》中,開啟了一段令人難忘的藝術與表演的旅程。此次合作不僅是電影與時尚界的一次盛事,也是兩位藝術家跨界合作的一次完美展現,充分展示了當代藝術與傳統演藝的融合之美。其作品將被《世界郵票上的中國文化-珍藏郵冊》收錄。


    In the current intersection of global cinema and fashion trends, a unique collaboration has sparked widespread interest within the industry—between the internationally acclaimed fashion visual artist Teacher Gao Feng and China's iconic actor Teacher Liu Hua in the recently released movie "Play Kill," they have embarked on an unforgettable artistic and performance journey. This collaboration is not only a significant event for the film and fashion industries but also a perfect demonstration of cross-disciplinary collaboration between two artists, fully showcasing the integration of contemporary art with traditional performance art. Their work will be included in the "Chinese Culture on World Stamps - The Collector's Edition."

  • 這次合作不僅展示了 劉樺 作為演員的多面性和 高丰 作為藝術家的創新精神,也為中國電影與時尚界帶來了新的靈感和可能性。通過結合傳統與現代、東方與西方的元素,他們共同創造出一種新的視覺與感官體驗,不僅為觀眾呈現了一部精彩絕倫的電影,也為時尚與藝術的交融開闢了新的道路。


    This collaboration not only showcased Liu Hua's versatility as an actor and Gao Feng's innovative spirit as an artist but also brought new inspiration and possibilities to the Chinese film and fashion industries. By blending traditional and modern, Eastern and Western elements, they jointly created a new visual and sensory experience. This endeavor not only presented audiences with an exceptionally brilliant movie but also paved a new path for the fusion of fashion and art.




    世. 界. 郵. 票. 上. 的. 中. 國. 文. 化

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    2024. 國際時尚人物誌 - 第六期


    🔘視覺藝術時尚導演:Jefi Kao


    🔘攝影:Jefi Kao


    🔘時尚設計:Jefi Kao


    🔘本期人物:劉 樺(中國.演員)
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    劉 樺
