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    高沁嵐 珠寶高級訂製






    We firmly believe in continuously drawing creative inspiration from life and nature. We carefully select each gemstone, feeling the warmth and texture in our hands, and then sketch imaginative designs while contemplating the spirit of creation. We attribute unique value to gemstones of different textures, colors, and shapes.

  • 高沁嵐珠寶 x JEFI KAO


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  • Chin Lan

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    國際珠寶設計師 高沁嵐



    With her unique creative style, Chin-Lan Kao combines traditional Chinese elements with Western techniques, giving her works a soft, restrained elegance that embodies the blessing and protection of Eastern culture. She uses Western precision and expressive methods to achieve unity in diversity and diversity in unity, establishing order through variation.


    2019 首屆成功盃珠寶設計.玉石器雕刻大賽輩輩封侯~榮獲銀獎

    2016 通過中国珠寶首飾設計師資格認定

    2016 時尚中國寶石飾品設計大賽 專業組設計創新獎

    2016 台灣工藝發展協會會員聯展 特優金獎

    2014 法國巴黎羅浮宮 榮獲珠寶設計潛力獎

    2013 中國珠寶首飾設計與製作技能競賽-運動裝設計新銳 人物獎

    2012 中國珠寶首飾設計與製作技能競賽 入圍

    2011 第五屆福爾摩沙珠寶設計比賽 第二名

    2007 第一屆福爾摩沙珠寶設計比賽佳作

    2007 第一屆全國金屬工藝大賽器物組佳作

    2003 國泰人壽新世紀潛力畫展 入選

    2003 Mirror翡翠創意設計大賞成品組創意賞

    2002 Mirror琥珀珍珠設計大賞成品組銀賞

    2000 日本 ART CLAY WORLD 國際銀飾創作大賞入選








    We excel in drawing creative inspiration from the cultural contexts of China and Taiwan, showcasing the soft, graceful elegance of the East. Seeking change in simplicity and innovation in change, our creators' power is modest, but through spreading our works, we can make the world better and more positive.

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  • 珠寶訂製流程




    In the process of custom-made fine jewelry, each piece requires meticulous design and craftsmanship. The process is as follows:







    A. Communicate with the client about the style and type of gemstones.

    B. Draw a jewelry design based on the client's budget.

    C. Finalize the design and proceed with jewelry production.

  • 東方之韻的國際時尚藝術對話

    The International Fashion Art Dialogue of Eastern Charm


    在當代珠寶設計中,結合中國與台灣文化元素,帶來嶄新視角與創意。國際時尚藝術家Jefi Kao與國際珠寶設計師高沁嵐的合作,點燃了創作火花,呈現出既傳統又現代的珠寶藝術,並致力於讓非物質文化遺產煥發新生。


    Integrating Chinese and Taiwanese cultural elements in contemporary jewelry design brings new perspectives and creativity. The collaboration between international fashion artist Jefi Kao and international high jewelry designer Chin Lan Kao ignites creative sparks, presenting traditional and modern arts while revitalizing intangible cultural heritage.





    This fusion seeks the essence of Eastern aesthetics through materials, techniques, and design. Traditional Chinese patterns and Taiwanese elements are combined through exquisite design and craftsmanship, creating jewelry rich in cultural heritage and modernity. Each piece tells the story of Chinese and Taiwanese culture, shining on the international stage and breathing new life into intangible cultural heritage.




    The artists' unique jewelry inspired by the Taiwanese Goddess series pays tribute to Taiwan's intangible cultural heritage, promoting it globally.  

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    歡迎 - 訂製與諮詢

    Chin Lan x JEFI KAO