


    Louis Vuitton.御用國際陶瓷藝術家:黃嘉男 老師


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    2002. 取得國立交通大學工學碩士學位
    2006. 擔任臺灣美術文化交流協會理事
    2015. 教育部107課程綱要研修委員
    2015. 文化部台中美術家資料館收錄
    2012. 新北市鶯歌陶瓷博物館全國陶藝壺音展入選
    2013. 新北市鶯歌陶瓷博物館國際陶藝謙卑展入選
    2014. 第5屆臺灣國際金壺獎入選

    2017. 黃嘉男-路易士威登x王德傳茶莊共同設計「茶人的旅行箱」茶具

  • 「 高丰 X 黃嘉男 」



    在時尚圈內,有很多跨界合作充滿創意和想像力,這些合作往往能夠為我們帶來耳目一新的驚喜。近日,國際知名時尚視覺藝術家:高丰 盛情邀約 Louis Vuitton.御用國際陶瓷藝術家:黃嘉男,共同創作一系列屬於女性的時尚藝術品。這次合作無疑是時尚與傳統技藝的完美融合,兩位藝術家的聯手為我們展現了令人驚艷的藝術力量。


    In the fashion world, many cross-disciplinary collaborations are filled with creativity and imagination, often bringing us refreshing surprises. Recently, internationally renowned fashion visual artist Master Jefi Kao cordially invited Louis Vuitton's international ceramic artist Master Huang Jia Nan to jointly create a series of fashion art pieces for women. This collaboration undoubtedly represents the perfect fusion of fashion and traditional craftsmanship, and the combined efforts of the two artists have demonstrated an astonishing artistic power.

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    I 陶瓷 I


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    I 時尚 I


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    I 藝術 I


  • I 時尚 與 藝術 的碰撞 I 


    合作初期,高丰 老師和 黃嘉男 老師就確定了一個共同的目標:將時尚與傳統陶瓷技藝相結合,創造出一個屬於女性的時尚藝術品。他們希望將女性的優雅氣質、堅強意志和獨特魅力融入到這些作品中,讓每個女性都能在這些藝術品中找到自己的樣子。


    At the beginning of the collaboration, both Jefi Kao and Master Huang Jia Nan agreed on a common goal: to combine fashion with traditional ceramic craftsmanship to create a collection of fashionable art pieces for women. They hoped to infuse the elegance, strong will, and unique charm of women into these works, allowing every woman to see herself reflected in these art pieces. 



    在合作過程中,兩位藝術家充分發揮各自的專長,共同探索如何將時尚元素與陶瓷工藝完美融合。Jefi Kao 老師運用她在時尚視覺藝術方面的獨到見解,為作品提供時尚的建議。而黃嘉男老師則運用他多年的陶瓷藝術經驗,將這些設計完美地呈現在陶瓷作品上。


    During the collaboration process, the two artists fully utilized their respective expertise to jointly explore how to perfectly integrate fashion elements with ceramic craftsmanship. Teacher Jefi Kao applied her unique insights in fashion visual arts, providing fashionable suggestions for the works. Meanwhile, Teacher Huang Jianan used his many years of ceramic art experience to perfectly present these designs in the ceramic works.

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  • Louis Vuitton. 茶人旅行硬箱
    I 國際陶瓷藝術家 黃嘉男 I
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    I 藝術聯名 I





    During the creative process, the two artists also encountered some interesting challenges. For instance, when designing the fashion elements, they needed to find a way to simultaneously showcase the softness and resilience of women. In the end, they decided to use a unique wood-firing technique, utilizing the accidental irregularity of the flames to express this characteristic. This approach not only demonstrated the gentleness and elegance of women but also highlighted their strong inner world.