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    玩 轉 視 覺 時 尚 的 新 寵 兒

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    Starting her career as a child model, she stepped onto the stage at the mere age of four. A distinguished spirit of art, her love for the arts has permeated her entire life. She has not only made a profound impact in the fashion industry, winning countless awards, but her love for art from a young age has always kept her engaged as a fashion model. Collaborating with international artists from various fields and endorsing fashion brands, she continuously hones her skills in various performances and acting roles. She has also received international accolades and recognition, with her works being included in the national collection "Chinese Culture on World Stamps." In recent years, she has ventured into film and television, participating in web series like "Mysterious Glass Beauty" and "Emei Command" and movies like "Play Kill" and "Great Pride," among other outstanding works.

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    她。一位來自於 中國.北京 的姑娘 - 馮可瑩


    She is a girl from Beijing, China - Feng Keying.





    In this collaboration, Teacher Gao Feng, an international visual artist, embarked on a cross-boundary fashion visual collaboration with Feng Keying, a vibrant new generation actress.

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    時尚 與 張力 的磨合



    Teacher Gao Feng, with his unique artistic perspective and creations, has received high praise and recognition both domestically and internationally. Meanwhile, Feng Keying, this young actress, has participated in several movies and web dramas within just a few years of entering the film and television industry, showcasing her talent and potential in the performing arts.

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    文化 與 時尚 藝術的交錯


    This collaboration represents a cross-boundary encounter between two individuals who have honed their skills in their respective fields for many years. Together, they explored the intersection of art and life, aiming to create refreshing and eye-catching works through this partnership.

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    秉持個人美感兼具時尚品味的 高丰 老師,不論是高丰老師在視覺藝術上的深厚底蘊,還是馮可瑩對表演藝術的熱愛和執著,這次合作無疑為觀眾帶來了一場視覺與情感的盛宴,展現了藝術如何在日常生活中綻放光彩。


    Upholding a personal aesthetic that encompasses a fashionable taste, Teacher Gao Feng, whether it's his profound foundation in visual arts or Feng Keying's passion and dedication to the performing arts, this collaboration undoubtedly offers the audience a feast of both visual and emotional depth, demonstrating how art can shine brilliantly in everyday life.

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    2024. 國際時尚人物誌 - 第八期


    🔘視覺藝術時尚導演:Jefi Kao


    🔘攝影:Jefi Kao


    🔘化妝造型:Jefi Kao


    🔘服裝搭配:Jefi Kao


    🔘時尚設計:Jefi Kao



  • 電影戲殺.墨憐伊 - 馮可瑩 飾

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