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    JEFI KAO.國際時尚造型美術館

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    時尚 與 視覺


    在時尚界的盛大盛事上,國際時尚視覺藝術家 高丰 老师主持了一場精彩絕倫的時尚開幕活動發表會。現場氣氛激昂,吸引了眾多貴賓和美女客戶的參加,共同見證了這一時尚盛宴。


    At a grand event in the fashion world, international fashion visual artist Teacher Jefi Kao hosted an extraordinary fashion opening ceremony and press conference. The atmosphere at the venue was exhilarating, attracting numerous VIPs and beautiful female guests to attend and jointly witness this fashion extravaganza.

  • 活動一開始,高丰 老师以其獨特的視覺藝術風格,為大家呈現了一場視覺盛宴。現場充滿了創意和驚喜,讓每位來賓都感受到了時尚的魅力和創新力量。現場的模特們身著高端時尚品牌的服裝,展示了時尚界最新的潮流趨勢。


    As the event began, Teacher Jefi Kao presented a visual feast for everyone with his unique visual art style. The venue was filled with creativity and surprises, allowing each guest to experience the charm and innovative power of fashion. The models on site, dressed in high-end fashion brand clothing, showcased the latest trends in the fashion industry. 

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    與此同時,現場不僅有時尚界的翹楚,還有各行業的精英人士。他們共襄盛舉,見證了這場時尚界的盛事。在活動期間,高丰 老师與貴賓及美女客戶互動融洽,分享了時尚心得,共同探討未來時尚的發展趨勢。



    At the same time, the event was not only attended by leading figures in the fashion industry but also by elites from various fields. They all gathered together to witness this grand occasion in the fashion world. During the event, Teacher Jefi Kao interacted harmoniously with the VIPs and beautiful female guests, sharing fashion insights and discussing future fashion trends together.

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    The event venue was stocked with a wide variety of delicious food and drinks, allowing guests to savor the beauty of fine cuisine while appreciating fashion. The music and lighting effects on-site also greatly enhanced the overall event, immersing attendees in the fusion of fashion and art.

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    活動結束時,高丰 老师發表了精彩的演講,回顧了過去的時尚歷程,展望了未來的發展趨勢。他鼓勵大家繼續關注時尚界的發展,積極參與時尚活動,共同推動時尚事業的繁榮與發展。


    At the end of the event, Teacher Jefi Kao delivered an inspiring speech, reflecting on the past journey of fashion and looking forward to future trends. He encouraged everyone to continue paying attention to the development of the fashion industry, actively participate in fashion events, and jointly promote the prosperity and growth of the fashion business.

  • JEFI KAO.國際時尚造型美術館 - 開幕發表會