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    Daniel Lee

  • Daniel Lee



    This is a brand centered on bespoke suiting, with a primary focus on Neapolitan suits from Italy. Their product range covers all aspects of elegant menswear for daily wear, including business attire, casual wear, formal wear, overcoats, trench coats, hunting attire, jackets, shirts, leather shoes, and more. The brand aims to craft an external appearance that matches the client's inherent character. Clothing plays a crucial role in enriching one's social and daily life. Depending on different life and work scenarios, the brand provides comprehensive clothing solutions, enabling clients to navigate seamlessly through their personal and professional lives with elegance.

  • Daniel Lee x JEFI KAO

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    Daniel Lee同時也是一個設計 製作 技術 生產於一體的品牌 擁有自己的高定工坊 為國際頂尖面料品牌LORO PIANA SCABAL PIACENZA FERLAETHOMAS、LARDINI國際展會的樣衣製作,為意大利品牌ARMANILARDINI、MaxMara 歐洲品牌SEBH 日本品牌等製作 國內一線 省會城市的頭部高定品牌製作生產。

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    Daniel Lee is an integrated brand encompassing design, production, technology, and manufacturing. With its own haute couture workshop, it produces sample garments for international top-tier fabric brands such as LORO PIANA, SCABAL, PIACENZA, FERLAETHOMAS, and LARDINI for their international exhibitions. Additionally, the brand manufactures for Italian brands like ARMANI, LARDINI, MaxMara, European brand SEBH, Japanese brands, and other leading haute couture brands in major cities throughout China.

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    李傳傑 Daniel Lee





    2017為香港電視劇《使徒行者》劇中TVB影星歐瑞偉 何偉業等打造西裝形象





  • 時.尚.聯.名.

    Daniel Lee x JEFI KAO

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    優雅 elegant

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    時尚 fashion

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    品味 taste

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    Daniel Lee x JEFI KAO

    當國際知名的時尚視覺藝術家 Jefi Kao 與設計奇才 Daniel Lee 攜手合作,全球時尚界無疑為之震撼。出發點來自於對時尚高級的無止境追求,這次的合作不僅提升了衣著的藝術性,更深入探索了文化背後的故事。


    When internationally renowned fashion visual artist Jefi Kao collaborates with design prodigy Daniel Lee, the global fashion world is undeniably astounded. Starting from an endless pursuit of high-end fashion, this collaboration not only elevates the artistry of clothing but also delves deep into the stories behind the culture.



  • 端. 莊. 的. 時. 尚.


    Daniel Lee 以其極簡而不失層次的設計風格,以及精湛的工藝聞名。在這次合作中,他將自己的特色與 Jefi Kao 的藝術才華完美融合,將高級時尚提升到了一個新的層次。每件作品都仿佛是一件藝術品,既能在時裝秀的舞台上發光發熱,又能在博物館中展出。


    Daniel Lee is renowned for his minimalist yet layered design style, along with his exquisite craftsmanship. In this collaboration, he flawlessly melds his signature style with the artistic talents of Jefi Kao, elevating haute couture to a new level. Each piece feels like a work of art, shining not only on the fashion runway but also worthy of display in a museum.

     這次的合作不只是服裝,更是一場文化的交流。Jefi Kao 與 Daniel Lee 兩人以他們的才華,重新定義了時尚的邊界,也向世界展現了文化融合的美麗與力量。


    This collaboration is not just about clothing; it's a cultural exchange. Through their combined talents, Jefi Kao and Daniel Lee are redefining the boundaries of fashion, showcasing to the world the beauty and power of cultural fusion.

  • Daniel Lee. 國際時尚設計師團隊

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    歡迎 - 訂製與諮詢

    Daniel Lee x JEFI KAO