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  • 高光時刻 璀璨之夜

    I 丰 王 爺 - 國 際 時 尚 週 I
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    I 丰 王 爺 時 尚 御 林 軍 I


    一場盛大的國際時尚盛宴即將在深圳頂點超跑俱樂部拉開序幕!由國際時尚視覺藝術家:高丰 老師領銜由眾多女企業家組成的『丰王爺時尚御林軍』聯手國際超模導師,為各界名人大咖帶來一場前所未有的時尚饗宴。在此次活動中,高丰老師將融合中國非遺文化,打造一場極具特色的『丰王爺.國際時尚週』。



    A grand international fashion feast is about to commence at the Shenzhen Apex Supercar Club! Spearheaded by the international fashion visual artist, Teacher Gao Feng, and the "Feng Wangye Fashion Imperial Guard" comprised of numerous female entrepreneurs, they are teaming up with international supermodel mentors to present a previously unseen fashion extravaganza to celebrities and influencers from all circles. In this event, Teacher Gao Feng will integrate the intangible cultural heritage of China to craft a highly unique "Feng Wangye International Fashion Week".




  • I 丰 王 爺 國 際 時 尚 週 - 正 式 揭 開 序 幕 I

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    舞台上,高丰 老師身著短版龍袍,將傳統中國風格與時尚元素巧妙融合。其創新設計使龍袍褪去嚴肅的枷鎖,展現出時尚潮流的魅力。此外,活動現場還將有來自各界的名人大咖,他們齊聚一堂,共襄盛舉,見證這場光影交織的時尚盛宴。


    On stage, Teacher Jefi Kao is dressed in a short version of the traditional Chinese dragon robe, skillfully blending traditional Chinese style with fashionable elements. The innovative design liberates the dragon robe from its solemn constraints, showcasing the charm of modern trends. Moreover, celebrities from various fields will gather at the event to jointly witness this splendid fashion feast, where light and shadow intertwine.

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    作為一場國際丰王爺高級訂製時裝秀,本次活動將展示 高丰 老師深厚的藝術造詣和創新能力。在時尚圈璀璨耀眼的同時,也向世界展示了中國非遺文化的魅力和價值。


    As an International Prince Feng Customized Fashion Show, this event will showcase Teacher Gao Feng's profound artistic accomplishments and innovative capabilities. While shining brightly in the fashion world, it also demonstrates the charm and value of China's intangible cultural heritage to the world.

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    丰. 王. 爺. 時. 尚. 御. 林. 軍.

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    國際時尚視覺藝術家 : Jefi Kao


    此外,為了讓學生們更好地掌握時尚舞台的形象造型和形體表現,高丰 老師親自為學生們開設了為期三天兩夜的培訓課程。經過紮實的學習與練習,學生們在伸展台上展現出滿滿的自信與專業,為觀眾呈現了一場時尚盛宴。


    Furthermore, in order to help students better master the image styling and physical performance on the fashion stage, Teacher Jefi Kao personally conducted a three-day and two-night training course for the students. After solid learning and practice, the students exuded confidence and professionalism on the runway, presenting a fashion feast for the audience.


  • 這場丰王爺.國際高級訂製時裝秀不僅是一場時尚界的盛會,更是一次跨界的藝術盛宴。在這裡,古典與現代、傳統與創新的大融合。


    This Prince Feng International Customized Fashion Show is not only a grand event in the fashion world but also a cross-disciplinary artistic feast. Here, a great fusion of classical and modern, traditional and innovative elements takes place.


    I 丰 王 爺 - 國 際 時 尚 週 I