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    媽祖紅時尚派對 - 快閃團拜


    Mazu Red Fashion Party - Fashion Phoenix Army

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    國際知名時尚視覺藝術家:高丰(Jefi Kao)近日回到台灣家鄉,致力於振興家鄉的時尚非遺文化。其首部以台灣宗教非遺為主題的國際時尚大片,於113年7月26日隆重發佈,吸引了各界人士的關注和支持。


    Internationally renowned fashion visual artist Jefi Kao recently returned to his hometown in Taiwan, dedicating himself to revitalizing the local fashion and intangible cultural heritage. His first international fashion film themed around Taiwan's religious intangible heritage was grandly released on July 26, 2024, garnering attention and support from various sectors.



    此次活動命名為『媽祖紅.時尚快閃團拜』,以「媽祖紅」為主題,邀請了眾多身著紅色服裝的參與者,共同演繹媽祖文化的精髓。高丰(Jefi Kao)將幾何藝術的「點、線、面」和「媽祖傳統圖紋」元素巧妙融合,創造出獨特的視覺藝術效果,完美詮釋了「丰王爺.時尚鳳璇軍」的概念,這是一支以女性為出發點的時尚軍團。


    The event, named "Mazu Red: Fashion Flash Mob Tribute," centers on the theme of "Mazu Red" and features numerous participants dressed in red, collectively showcasing the essence of Mazu culture. Jefi Kao skillfully integrates the geometric elements of "points, lines, and planes" with traditional Mazu patterns, creating a unique visual art effect that perfectly interprets the concept of "Lord Feng's Fashion Phoenix Army," a fashion troupe inspired by women.

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    這次活動的舉辦源於一段關於媽祖與武恩德財神結緣的神蹟故事,這段故事成為了本次藝術創作的重要靈感來源。活動中,武恩德財神正式授印「丰王爺.時尚鳳璇軍」,由總教頭:高丰(Jefi Kao)與軍團長:陳品蓁以及眾軍團顧問們共同接下這項非遺傳承的重責大任。在大家的見證下,『丰王爺.時尚鳳璇軍』在此刻正式成立,象徵著軍團的重視和未來的宏大目標。


    This event is inspired by a miraculous story about the connection between Mazu and the Wealth God Wu En-De. This story became a significant source of inspiration for this artistic creation. During the event, the Wealth God Wu En-De officially bestowed the seal upon the "Lord Feng's Fashion Phoenix Army." Chief Instructor Jefi Kao, along with Corps Leader Chen Pin-Zhen and several advisors, accepted the crucial responsibility of preserving this intangible heritage. Witnessed by all attendees, the "Lord Feng's Fashion Phoenix Army" was officially established at this moment, symbolizing the importance of the troupe and its grand future ambitions.

  • 海 天 護 衛



    The event atmosphere was lively, with guests dressed in their finest attire to join the celebration. Notably, the event received substantial support from the Wuji Wu En Sheng Palace Management Committee. Special thanks go to the Wealth God Wu En-De, the Palace Chief Pan Xue-En, and the committee members for their strong backing, which added more brilliance to this artistic creation. Additionally, SETTV's Phoenix Talent Agency special artist Liao Bai-Si hosted the event, bringing more highlights and atmosphere to the scene.



    高丰(Jefi Kao)表示,「能夠回到家鄉,並以時尚的方式展現台灣豐富的宗教文化,是我一直以來的夢想。感謝所有支持和參與的朋友們,這部時尚大片是我們共同的藝術結晶。」


    Jefi Kao expressed, "Being able to return to my hometown and showcase Taiwan's rich religious culture through fashion has always been my dream. I am grateful to all the friends who supported and participated; this fashion film is our collective artistic achievement."

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    本次啟動發布會在「無極武恩聖宮」舉行,高丰(Jefi Kao)與眾嘉賓一起點燃藝術的火花,共同見證了台灣非遺文化與現代時尚的完美融合。活動當天,除了時尚大片的拍攝,還有一系列關於文化非遺的互動環節,讓現場觀眾深刻感受到台灣傳統文化的魅力。現場來了數十輛五彩繽紛的千萬超跑,由台中馬卡龍車隊創會長:嚴安禎與各界精英大佬們也前來力挺『丰王爺.時尚鳳璇軍』,為活動增添了更多的動感和活力。


    The atmosphere at the event was enthusiastic, with guests dressed to impress and coming together to celebrate. It's worth mentioning that the event received significant support from the Wuji Wu En Sheng Palace Management Committee. Special thanks go to the Wealth God Wu En-De, Palace Chief Pan Xue-En, and the committee members for their strong backing, which added even more brilliance to this artistic creation. Additionally, SETTV's Phoenix Talent Agency special artist Liao Bai-Si served as the host, bringing more highlights and energy to the scene.

    Jefi Kao remarked, "Being able to return to my hometown and showcase Taiwan's rich religious culture through fashion has always been my dream. I am grateful to all the friends who supported and participated; this fashion film is our collective artistic achievement.

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    湄洲二媽 與 聖三媽

    活動舞台背板上引人注目的三個擬人型像,中間的是高丰本人,左右兩邊則是民間信仰中大家耳熟能詳的二媽與三媽,高丰Jefi kao大師表示:「我跟媽祖的奇異淵源說來話長,充滿不可思議的神蹟奇事,總之,我是承受二媽與三媽的召喚回台陪媽祖打天下的。未來我所有的時尚創作元素,都離不開華人宗教、文化、戲曲,這些都會陪著我登上巴黎、倫敦等國際知曉的各項時裝周舞台。」


    The event stage backdrop prominently featured three anthropomorphic figures. The one in the middle represents Jefi Kao himself, while the ones on the left and right are the well-known Second Mazu and Third Mazu from popular folk beliefs. Master Jefi Kao remarked, "My extraordinary connection with Mazu is a long story, filled with incredible miracles and wonders. In short, I was called back to Taiwan by Second Mazu and Third Mazu to support Mazu in her endeavors. In the future, all my fashion creations will incorporate elements of Chinese religion, culture, and opera. These influences will accompany me as I step onto international fashion week stages in Paris, London, and beyond."



    高丰(Jefi Kao)的創作不僅僅是一次時尚展示,更是一場文化交流的盛宴。通過這部時尚非遺宣傳大片,他希望能夠讓更多人了解和珍惜台灣的宗教非遺文化,並將其傳承與發揚光大。


    Jefi Kao's creation is not merely a fashion showcase but a grand feast of cultural exchange. Through this fashion intangible heritage promotional film, he hopes to raise awareness and appreciation for Taiwan's religious intangible heritage culture, ensuring its preservation and promotion.



    高丰(Jefi Kao)表示,本次藝術理念靈感來自丰王爺湄洲二媽聖三媽,創造出全新的國際時尚IP,讓全世界都能看到媽祖文化之美。他期待未來能在台灣各地的本土古蹟上創造更多非遺時尚大秀,並帶著媽祖文化登上國際舞台,讓台灣的傳統文化在國際上綻放出新的光彩。


    Jefi Kao stated that the artistic concept for this project was inspired by Lord Feng, Meizhou Second Mazu, and Third Mazu, creating a new international fashion IP that showcases the beauty of Mazu culture to the world. He looks forward to creating more intangible heritage fashion shows at local historic sites across Taiwan and bringing Mazu culture to the international stage, allowing Taiwan's traditional culture to shine brightly on a global scale.

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  • 最後,高丰(Jefi Kao)特別感謝「卓越媒體集團」、「民視鳳凰藝能」、「武恩德營造」和「茶與餅達人」這些主要顧問企業的全程相挺,並且全面報導此次活動,以及各界民間企業無條件的贊助和支持。出錢出力,一起為台灣時尚非遺盡最大的心力。


    Finally, Jefi Kao expressed his special thanks to the major consulting companies, including Excellence Media Group, SETTV's Phoenix Talent Agency, Wu En-De Construction, and Tea and Pastry Experts, for their full support and comprehensive coverage of this event. He also acknowledged the unconditional sponsorship and support from various private enterprises, contributing their resources and efforts to the utmost for Taiwan's fashion intangible heritage.

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  • 🌸🌸🌸 丰王爺時尚鳳璇軍 🌸🌸🌸




    高丰.Jefi Kao








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    JEFI KAO. 國際品牌時尚官方網站



    丰王爺. Art Studio 國際官方藝術網站


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