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  • 慧繡雅集 x JEFI KAO


    繡雅集 刺繡高級訂製





    HUI Embroidery Elegance combines traditional Xiang embroidery with modern aesthetics to create high-end custom art pieces, balancing heritage and innovation while highlighting the precious value of world intangible cultural heritage.



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    國際刺繡工藝大師 毛慧





















    • 毛慧老師擅長湘繡獨有的「鬅毛針」,這種針法能夠細膩地表現出刺繡中動物的毛髮、人物的髮絲等,使作品更具生動與立體感。

    Third-Generation Successor of the Pong Mao Stitch Technique:

    • Master Hui Mao excels in the unique Xiang embroidery technique known as the "Pong Mao Stitch," which delicately portrays animal fur and human hair in embroidery, giving her works a vivid and three-dimensional quality.




    • 在人物、動物、花鳥和山水等刺繡題材中,毛慧老師善於大膽創新,在傳統針法的基礎上,研發出新的針法,提升作品的藝術性和生動性,並且大幅節省工時。


    Innovation Combined with Tradition:

    • In subjects like figures, animals, landscapes, and flowers, Master Hui is bold in innovation. She develops new techniques based on traditional methods, enhancing her works' artistic quality and realism while significantly reducing production time.




    • 毛慧老師不僅繼承了傳統的湘繡技法,還將其與現代美學相結合,尤其是在設計中融入西方的元素,如設計《布希全家福》贈送給美國總統布希,以及設計具有和服元素的《和服腰帶》

    Fusion of Eastern and Western Design:

    Master Hui inherits traditional Xiang embroidery techniques and combines them with modern aesthetics. She incorporates Western elements into her designs, such as creating the "Bush Family Portrait" as a gift for President Bush and designing the kimono-inspired "Kimono Belt."




    • 無論是繡制人物、動物,還是自然景物,毛慧老師都能以其細膩且傳神的技巧,將每一個畫面繡製得栩栩如生,並獲得國際藝術界的高度認可。

    Exquisite Depiction of Figures, Animals, and Landscapes:

    • Whether embroidering figures, animals, or natural scenes, Master Hui's detailed and lifelike techniques bring each scene to life, earning her high recognition in international art.
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    Embroidery Customization Process

    1. 諮詢與初步設計:與客戶討論需求與偏好,提出設計草圖和材料選擇。
    2. 確認設計與報價:客戶確認設計方案及報價,支付定金。
    3. 製作過程:根據確認的設計進行刺繡,過程中可能進行中間檢查。
    4. 完成與交付:完成刺繡作品,進行品質檢查,客戶支付餘款並接收作品。
    5. 售後服務:提供作品保養和修補指導,確保長期使用。


    1. Consultation and Preliminary Design: Discuss needs and preferences with the client, propose initial design sketches and material selections.
    2. Design Confirmation and Quotation: The client confirms the design plan and quotation, and pays a deposit.
    3. Production Process: Embroidery is carried out according to the confirmed design, with potential mid-process inspections.
    4. Completion and Delivery: Finish the embroidery work, conduct quality checks, the client pays the remaining balance and receives the product.
    5. After-sales Service: Provide guidance on care and repair of the work to ensure long-term usage.
  • 傳承與創新的交織:毛慧與Jefi Kao的時尚藝術聯名合作

    The Fusion of Tradition and Innovation: The Collaboration Between Embroidery Master Mao Hui and Fashion Stylist Jefi Kao


    刺繡是傳統工藝中的瑰寶,而時尚則是現代自我表達的象徵。當國際刺繡大師毛慧與時尚造型大師Jefi Kao相遇,兩者的合作自然產生了無限的火花。毛慧老師以其精湛的湘繡技法,賦予每一針每一線生命,使刺繡作品如同藝術珍品般栩栩如生。而Jefi Kao則以大膽的造型與藝術視角,為現代女性的自信和魅力注入強烈的時尚張力。


    Embroidery is a treasure of traditional craftsmanship, while fashion symbolizes modern self-expression. When international embroidery master Mao Hui meets renowned fashion stylist Jefi Kao, their collaboration naturally sparks limitless creativity. Mao Hui brings life to every stitch with her exquisite Xiang embroidery techniques, turning her works into living art. Meanwhile, Jefi Kao infuses strong elements of bold styling and artistic perspective, enhancing the confidence and allure of modern women.




    This collaboration stems from their shared pursuit of both tradition and innovation. By blending traditional embroidery craftsmanship with modern fashion design, they elevate embroidery beyond mere decorative elements, transforming it into the soul of fashion. Mao Hui’s intricate skills add layers and sophistication to Jefi’s designs, while Jefi’s unique artistic vision allows the embroidery to shine like never before on the international fashion stage.




    Together, they aim to create fashion art that merges tradition and modernity, allowing every woman to radiate her charm and exude refined elegance.

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    歡迎 - 訂製與諮詢

    繡慧雅集 x JEFI KAO